Informations :
- Script créé par : Asherion et Rebel
- Lien : sujet dédié du forum de Bohemia Interactive
- Téléchargement : Google Drive /Steam Workshop /Armaholic
- Prérequis : Task Force Arrowhead Radio /CBA
Utilisation :
- Placer un ou plusieurs brouilleurs. Indiquer une variable pour chacun d'entre-eux. Ici, ce sera jammer1, jammer2 et jammer3
- Placer les unités jouables
- Dans le dossier de la mission, créer un fichier initPlayerLocal.sqf et inscrire le code suivant :
Code : Tout sélectionner
radioJammer = [[jammer1, jammer2, jammer3], 1000, 50, TRUE] execVM "scripts\TFARjamRadios.sqf";
- Toujours dans le dossier de la mission, insérer ou créer le sous-dossier nommé dans notre cas, "scripts", lequel doit contenir le fichier TFARjamRadios.sqf contenant le code ci-après :
Code : Tout sélectionner
/* Jam Radios script for TFAR created by Asherion and Rebel Version 0.2.0 Available from: This script will jam radios for all players within a given radius of a jamming vehicle Jamming is stronger nearer to the vehicle, while less strong at the edges of the radius NOTE: It is recommended to call this script from initPlayerLocal.sqf if you want to run the script from mission start. Parameter(s): 0: ARRAY of object(s) (Required)- Entity(s) that will cause the radios to be jammed. 1: NUMBER (Optional)- Range of the jammer in Meters. Default is 1000. 2: NUMBER (Optional)- Strength of the jammer. Default is 50. 3: BOOL (Optional)- Enable Debug. Default is False. Example: jamRadios = [[JAMMER],500] execVM "TFARjamRadios.sqf"; */ if (!hasInterface) exitwith {}; waituntil {!isnull player}; //Define the variables along with their default values. _jammers = param [0, [objNull], [[objNull]]]; _rad = param [1, 1000, [0]]; _strength = param [2, 50, [0]] - 1; // Minus one so that radio interference never goes below 1 near the edge of the radius (which is the default for TFAR). _debug = param [3, false, [true]]; //compare distances between jammers and player to find nearest jammer and set it as _jammer _jammerDist = { _jammer = objNull; _closestDist = 1000000; { if (_x distance player < _closestdist) then { _jammer = _x; _closestDist = _x distance player; }; } foreach _jammers; _jammer; }; _jammer = call _jammerDist; // While the Jamming Vehicle is not destroyed, loop every 5 seconds while {alive _jammer} do { // Set variables _dist = player distance _jammer; _distPercent = _dist / _rad; _interference = 1; _sendInterference = 1; if (_dist < _rad) then { _interference = _strength - (_distPercent * _strength) + 1; // Calculat the recieving interference, which has to be above 1 to have any effect. _sendInterference = 1/_interference; //Calculate the sending interference, which needs to be below 1 to have any effect. }; // Set the TF receiving and sending distance multipliers player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", _interference]; player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", _sendInterference]; // Debug chat and marker. if (_debug) then { deletemarkerLocal "CIS_DebugMarker"; deletemarkerLocal "CIS_DebugMarker2"; //Area marker _debugMarker = createmarkerLocal ["CIS_DebugMarker", position _jammer]; _debugMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _debugMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [_rad, _rad]; //Position Marker _debugMarker2 = createmarkerLocal ["CIS_DebugMarker2", position _jammer]; _debugMarker2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _debugMarker2 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _debugMarker2 setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", _jammer]; systemChat format ["Distance: %1, Percent: %2, Interference: %3, Send Interference: %4", _dist, 100 * _distPercent, _interference, _sendInterference]; systemChat format ["Active Jammer: %1, Jammers: %2",_jammer, _jammers]; //copyToClipboard (str(Format ["Distance: %1, Percent: %2, Interference: %3", _dist, 100 * _distPercent, _interference])); }; // Sleep 5 seconds before running again sleep 5.0; //Only run this if there are multiple jammers. if (count _jammers > 1) then { //Check if all of the jammers are still alive. If not, remove it from _jammers. { if (!alive _x AND count _jammers > 1) then {_jammers = _jammers - [_x]}; } foreach _jammers; //Check for closest jammer _jammer = call _jammerDist; }; }; //Set TFR settings back to normal before exiting the script player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 1]; player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 1];
- Lancer votre mission. Lorsque vous vous trouverez dans la zone de brouillage, vous ne pourrez communiquer avec vos camarades. En dehors de la zone, tout doit fonctionner normalement. Détruisez les brouilleurs pour interrompre le brouillage.
Pour ma part, j'ai utilisé ce script de brouillage radio (compatible avec le Task Force) sur l'une de mes missions et je dois dire qu'il a parfaitement répondu à ce que je recherchais alors.
Bon jeu à tous,